If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.

Ready-to-Use Presentation

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  1. Select Download PowerPoint.
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  3. In the upper right corner, select the download icon and select ‘Download Original.’
  4. A window will open with the option to select ‘Open’ or ‘Save As’ with the PowerPoint file. Select ‘Save As,’ then ‘Save.’ You can now open/edit the file on your device.

Experiencing problems downloading this presentation or playing the embedded videos? Contact us at webmaster@ycq2.org so we can assist.

Ready-to-Use Presentation for Professionals

Looking to present about the YouCanQuit2 campaign to professionals? The YouCanQuit2 Ready-to-Use Presentation for Professionals highlights evergreen campaign content and even includes space for Service-specific and local information. Equipped with a suggested script, professionals can use this presentation to showcase YouCanQuit2 to other professionals at efforts such as local trainings, briefings or orientations. Professional audiences may include military treatment facility staff, tobacco cessation counselors, facilitators, program managers and others who have interest in learning about the campaign and its resources.

ready to use presentation slide

Download PowerPoint [PPTX 14MB] 

Looking for other resources for professionals? Check out the YouCanQuit2 Campaign Resources page where professionals can find various materials to promote the campaign, its resources and tools and to help Service members live tobacco free.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.