If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.

Story #7: “My sleep schedule is all off since quitting tobacco.”

Story #7: Before I quit, vaping was a part of my bedtime routine to help me decompress before I went to sleep. What are safer ways to help me wind down so I can fall asleep?



  • You’re on the right track. Keep in mind that nicotine disrupts sleep, so you’re already off to a great start!
  • Try something new. Listen to soothing music, read or take a warm shower before bed.
  • Set yourself up for success. Stay away from alcohol and caffeine for at least a few hours before going to sleep.
  • Ask for help. If problems continue, talk to your health care provider just in case there is something else affecting your sleep that a professional can help you with.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.